*This use case is a scenario from our partner GenTwo
Reduce your total expense ratio (TER)
Fund of Funds have been regarded as a popular solution for professional investors. Today, an Actively Managed Certificate on funds is an even better way to achieve a broad diversification while offering an appropriate asset allocation. Investing in low correlated portfolios in the same asset class should, in theory, lead to a portfolio that is less exposed to high volatility swings compared to direct investments in securities or single funds. This helps to achieve better risk-adjusted returns in the portfolio context.
RainFin allows you to create flexible Fund- Portfolios- and Strategies
Unfortunately, investors must face the reality that returns generated by fund managers are exposed to an accumulation of operating fees carried by the underlying funds. As if this wasn’t already bad enough, FoF-Managers charge their own additional fees for the investment process. As a result, investors find themselves with high running costs (TER) to gain access to a professional diversified portfolio.
Additionally, not all funds are accessible for qualified investors. Many of the more prestigious funds have insuperable hurdles and special requirements just to participate in these investment schemes. RainFin can reduce costs, increase investors’ returns and be your gateway into a new investment universe!